(Chapter: “Headlights”)
“In the flat darkness of the countryside, there is only disappointment, a wedding dress, and a bathroom she shouldn't have taken so long in ... It's them, they're back for us!... She lights a cigarette and then, exhaling smoke, [Nené] adds: It's them, yes. But they're coming back for him.

(Chapter: “The Test”)
Get out, he says. I get out and he moves into the driver's seat. I peer in through the window and ask him what will happen now. Nothing, he says, you hesitated.”

(Chapter: “Heads Against Concrete”)
“My man, you're a mega-genius. A me-ga-ge-nius”

(Chapter: “Heads Against Concrete”)
“... I'm starting to think about what my mom always said, which is that the problem with the world is that it's in a great crisis of love. And also that, when it comes down to it, these are not good times for very sensitive people.”

(Chapter: “The Heavy Suitcase of Benavides”)
“Art is memorious, dear audience, and from the least likely molecules of this, our society, true artists majestically emerge.”

“Our brains are constantly cataloging what we see: your brother comes in and you say “my brother just came into the house.” Everything is labeled and classified. But a monster comes in and you can't say “this is my brother;” you say “what is this?” Its eyes aren't where they should be, it's not the right height or color--so you are forced to really look at it for the first time. When you can achieve that effect with real objects, it creates a distance from our everyday lives that's extraordinary. The extraordinary exists in our gaze--not it the object we're looking at, and not in the text.”

Nathan and Chester
“I'm not really following you. It's okay. But will you remind me tomorrow? It sounds like something I really want to remember.”

Nathan and Riley
“Did you have fun at your party? Not in a life-altering way. But yeah, it was fun.”

“There's blood on the side of the mountain
It's turnin' a new shade of red
Yeah, sometimes the fire you founded
Don't burn the way you'd expect
Yeah, you thought that this was the end.”